dog barking collar - An Overview

If you have a dog that is constantly barking like a Yorkie or a Chihuahua it can be very tempting to buy a dog barking collar to solve all your problems. While a collar might help the best solution is to combine it with retraining.

There are many different types of bark collars on the market today, but the two main kinds are shock collars and citronella collars.

While some people may think that shock collars are inhumane the collar level of shock that is given is very quite low and it's usually just enough to get the dog's attention. And if you're worried about the level of shock given you can even try it on your shelf and you'll see that it is very minor.

However, if you want to go to completely humane way, citronella bark collars are a great dog bark collars barking deterrent. Citronella collars work because when the dog barks the collar emits a burst of citronella towards the dog's face.

Citronella is not harmful to the dog, but dogs do not like getting sprayed in their face and also they do not like the smell of citronella, but it is not really offensive to humans at all.

But the quickest way to retrain your dog is to combine using the collar with also training a dog yourself. There are many good dog training books at the library or in the stores about how to train your dog to stop barking without the need for using a and collar.